The Mediterranean Lifestyle: our Mediterranean Soul

Our inspiration is the Mediterranean lifestyle, the elixir for a happy, healthy, conscious and long life. The purpose of our curated trips is to encourage you to experience Mediterranean culture – an invaluable heritage of folk experiences that have evolved over centuries – from many perspectives. Our customised trips – tailored to your needs and desires – invite the eager traveller to explore the roots of the Mediterranean culture and its traditions in a way that establishes an emotional connection to places that, in themselves, become the tellers of extraordinary stories that evoke rich, engaging and stimulating emotions.

Slow food – The Mediterranean diet – Nurture your soul

In countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, including Spain, food is not simply nutrition. The Mediterranean diet is recognised worldwide as the elixir of long life. Indeed, UNESCO declares it to be not only the intangible cultural heritage of humanity, but also a set of skills, knowledge, rituals, symbols and traditions that consider not just the importance of this diet, but also relates deeply to a widespread lifestyle that is good for both people and the planet.

Mediterranean food also brings people together at the table to share conversations, laughter and memorable times with theirloved ones. Mealsareenjoyed ata leisurely pace, contrary to the values of unbridled consumerism. In the culinary culture of the Mediterranean, there is always a place at the table, precisely because food is an engine for building social dynamics.

It underpins and supports inclusion, cohesion, union and conviviality. Our culinary experiences are an invitation to immerse yourself in the cultural traditions of the Mediterranean. Prepare yourself for sensory experiences and enjoyment through food. Learn about the cultural identity of a place through experiencing its culinary traditions. We design tailor-made, cultural and gastronomic trips to suit every whim.

Get ready to listen to the stories of those who are the source of food wisdom: restaurateurs, cheesema kers. farmers and food connoisseurs. These are stories that have been passed down from generation to generation with the aim of preserving the traditions of local cuisine. Enjoy a unique experience, capable of educating you about an exciting, healthier, slower, fairer culinary culture.

Slow living

The art of living life at a leisurely pace and savouring it in small bites is at the heart of the philosophy of slow Wing. Far from the noisy rhythms of modern life, we invite the traveller to Spain to embrace a distinct philosophy and way of life. It is an approach that favours a quieter pace that allows you to make the most of life’s moments in a more conscious manner. Get rid of the stresses of urban life, lack of concentration or dependence on the virtual world and enjoy the Mediterranean Lifestyle.

Our journeys are an Invitation to cultivate your Inner richness through experiences that favour slowness rather than constant hyperactivity. The Mediterranean lifestyle celebrates close relationships, a sense of community. Immersion In nature, smallrscale local production. and transgenerational communication with those who enliven local culture and preserve traditions.

The mission Is to rediscover a dimension of greater awareness of ourselves and the world around us. With an open mind and a desire to truly experience what is often so familiar that we take it for granted . our trips to Spain aim to make you rediscover emotions that are sometimes burled by the culture of fast living: talking to the producer of local cheeses, experiencing the pleasure of being at the table, enjoying a wine tasting at sunset in the mountain village vineyard, taking an excursion to the Balearic Islands, riding horseback on the beach, hearing the story of the sculpture craftsman. or experiencing a yoga session In a private villa. But that’s not an. The possibilities for being fully HAPPY and finding yourself are endless.

Less is more in the Mediterranean lifestyle.

Indulge – The art of living and quality experience

The greatest and most common denominator of Mediterranean lifestyle philosophy is the ability to truly feel. Our journeys promote the creation of memorable experiences that celebrate the culture of taste as well as the reinterpretation of popular traditions and cultural heritage in a contemporary way. The Mediterranean lifestyle is expressed through an appetite for optimism, the culture of taste and feeling, the care of the body, the an of living well, the balance of the senses. and cultivation of pleasure in the form of serenity and harmony.

Happiness appears to be the key component of our peoples’ DNA. Indeed. there is no doubt that the Mediterranean Is one of the richest and most complex reservoirs of conviviality in the world. Our journeys are epicurean. They seek pleasure in all its forms. which our hectic lives often make us forget They also have an extraordinary ability to encourage everyday happiness.


Environmental Sustainability

We are proud and passionate lovers of our roots, culture and traditions. We therefore defend the values that our lands, and the past generations that inhabited them. have passed down through the centuries. As a tourist agency in Spain we have the ambition of being a catalyst for sustainable and environmentally responsible tourism. This is not just a challenge. Rather, we believe that – in light of current environmental concerns – it is the only way forward,


Our trips to Spain promote and preserve the timeless beauty of local treasures and the cultural identity of the land. Our Spanish tours are designed to ensure the  full harmony with the local environment, communities and cultures.

Each traveller will leave a positive imprint behind his or her journey. so that local people are the beneficiaries. not the victims, of tourism. As believers in virtuous practices and the trice-sustainable philosophy. we also promote local experiences that are not as well known and not always included in other tour itineraries, but that are authentic and faithful to our philosophy.

Sometimes the life of the future is a leap into the past